
Survey Shield

Scheduled Mock Surveys

Facility Survey Date Status Completion Date Actions
+ Poplar Grove 03/20/2025 Upcoming 04/01/2025
- Happy Valley Nursing 02/20/2025 In-Progress 03/20/2025
Tag# Regulation Deficiency Description Severity Plan of Correction
F-684 Quality of Care The facility failed to monitor and document wound care treatment for a resident with a pressure ulcer. D – Isolated issue, potential for harm 1. Re-educate nursing staff on wound care documentation. 2. Implement weekly wound care audits. 3. Compliance monitored by DON.
F-880 Infection Control The facility failed to ensure proper hand hygiene during medication administration. E – Pattern, no actual harm 1. Conduct hand hygiene training for all staff. 2. Post hand hygiene reminders in med rooms. 3. Monitor compliance through audits.
F-689 Accident Prevention A resident at risk for falls was not provided proper supervision, leading to an unwitnessed fall. G – Widespread, actual harm 1. Review and revise fall prevention policy. 2. Implement hourly rounding. 3. Retrain staff on fall risk interventions.